Luckily I found a lovely bungalow just a few doors up from the original house. The accommodation is smaller (only two beds and one loo!) but it has been beautifully restored. Photos below.
I managed to spend some time back in London but not much really. Managed to meet up with James and stayed with Rich and Jo.
Yesterday our 6 Perspective exhibition opened to run for a month. Masses of people came and it was buzzing. Thanks once again to Ton and Astrid pictured with the 6 of us below for hosting our work. It's great to celebrate the creative stuff we have been doing for fun and share it with others .
Well the dogs and I survived. The ponds are now bereft of any goldfish...Otters, Herons and who knows what, so I'm not restocking the snack bar...
I started rebuilding the fence below the field gate with willow that Mark, Nick and I sorted from our pollarding work. It got finished when Sylvia came home and we think it looks pretty good now and should stop any visiting small persons from going over the edge.
And... Found a nice clear few Mongoose tracks by one of the wells. Elusive little characters, not often seen, but they're there.
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