September got off to a hot start. The fires got rather closer, just across the river. The first couple of weeks were spent wandering around in a haze of smoke, with ash falling like snowflakes in our back garden.
With help from Steve and Vanessa we dragged our big petrol powered water pump over the field and up the terraces to pump water from our irrigation well down to the holding tank in the field so that we could then hook up the fire hose to the pump and defend the house if the fire got to our section of the forest. Luckily we didn’t need to use it.
From my point of view, there was one plus point to the fires – the non-stop airshow. Since we are so close to the river where the aircraft and helicopters fill up they were flying over the whole day and I took some really close shots from the Tábua bridge.
In all 100,00 hectares burnt and 6 People died in the fires, Bombeiros (fire fighters) and civilians and all due to ‘human agency’… One of the fire choppers crashed as well, due to an engine failure, fortunately without serious injury to the crew.
You can see more about this at this site if you are interested
The drought continued until last week when we finally got a few days very welcome rain. We need more but at least it reduced the fire risk back to something like reasonable!
Despite all the excitement we still had a lot of fruit to harvest – Bugsy amused himself burying dried windfall peaches around the place…we are hoping for a peach orchard in the future.
When she was not doing her fabric work Sylvi got very busy making chutneys pickles and jams from the produce.
The big house project this month was tiling the front Armizem and Laundry floor.
We were given a load of unwanted tiles, courtesy of friends Josh and Veronika so down they went to cover the dusty and very uneven concrete floor. It was backbreaking work and the floor was incredibly uneven. Of course it also meant planing quite a strip off the bottom of the Laundry door. It was worth it though as the whole area looks so much more finished and stays much cleaner. I tidied up the sink area by closing in the open framework and making a door to fit. Sylvi is very pleased. Brownie points all round.
As it is the time of year for the grape harvest our friends had our grapes this year to help boost their limited crop and we were surprised at the amount we had. Matt, Anita and Phil came over and picked them and they are now crushed and in the fermenting vat at their place waiting to be pressed and finally processed. It’s great to be able to share produce and not let it go to waste.
So now we just have to transport the firewood from our forest patch split and stack it ready for winter and pick the olives in November. But that’s for another blog.
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