A real batch of mixed weather this month has meant having to do as much as we can outside while the weather permits. The grass and the wild flowers are as high as an elephants eye as the song goes,

so Fraser has been busy using his new scythe to cut the high grass on the terraces, but leaving patches of flowers in the fields. Had to let the cutting dry off before we raked it all up and so far we have several high piles of hay mulching down nicely.

Sylvi spent most of the month digging and weeding the various garden sites, sorting out the irrigation and planting up more veg in the food garden!
The new fence and gate is up around the pond but Bugsy is just a pain and keeps chasing the fish we had transfered. This little game has played hell with the lilies we sank in pots - he keeps knocking them over...

The sides of the pond are an easy slope in for him....so we have moved the fish back into the old pond for the time being.

He now spends a lot of time staring down into the now empty pond looking very confused and worried, looking for his orange buddies. Stuff we have planted around the edge seem to be doing ok too.
On Fraser's birthday, since the weather was sunny we spent the day at the beach with Steve and Vanessa and Beanie.

It was a glorious day and we were all pretty knackered after several long beach walks. Spot the ball!!!

Had a picnic lunch at Tocha and then home for a few beers.

Spent the Easter weekend doing not very much at all, although we had a lovely lunch with friends at Harry and Seana's place on Easter Sunday. The month was pretty well rounded off by a visit from some very close friends from Brasil - Liz and Nigel. An all to short visit, but it was really wonderful to see them again after so long and to have them stay with us.

On the Royal Wedding Day the sky changed,

rain fell and the thunder roared so we joined the masses and watched the event on TV in between power surges which tripped our electrics. Glad we did too! Some happiness to view in current world chaos.
The latest Lexa update is...she has teef!!!! What a poppet!!!
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