'What shall I pack??' It is pouring with rain but warm in Portugal and the forecast for Prague for 30th May is rain too. 'But, dammit, my outfit is not right for rain!!!' says I and 'Well do I take my linen jacket, suit or wool jacket?' says Fraser.
We decided to go for broke and pack for coldish with a touch or warm (but unfortunately not for wet)...so basically layers.
We arrived to rain in Prague realising that we had not thought about umbrellas and it rained the whole time we stayed. But our spirits were not dampened as we headed to Tesco to purchase said rain guards!
We stayed with friend Colleen and Rusty the dog and after a brief but fond reunion headed for the pub to meet up with family, bride and groom to be, old friends and newbies.
Bride and groom were looking incredibly relaxed. It was great to meet ex-pupils from Wells (where the boys went to school). And although it was most disconcerting to find that they were all grown up people with wives, girlfriends and babies and stuff it was wonderful to realise that they really hadn't changed and were just as delinquent as ever. It was also nice to meet so many friends of James and Adela from the UK and the Czech Republic.
James' godmother and my oldest friend, Malc (Lynne) arrived on the Friday and on the day of the wedding we three made our way by metro to the historic Old Town Square to have some liquid refreshment before the event. The boys looked great in their morning suits...

I was asked to walk my son down the isle and was so proud to do so!
Adela looked absolutely amazing in her simply cut but so stylish dress.

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