Our new tiny fruit trees are budding and blossoming... I planted them out in October

and the peach, nectarine and plums have all blossomed!!!! It´s just sooooo exciting!

Around our water mine and reservoir we have wild strawberries and violets that we didn´t even know existed.

There are thousands of spring flowers appearing everywhere and the Mimosa are startling.

Since the last post Fraser has planted a weeping willow to replace the old willow we cut down, two different papyrus plants and bamboo, bulrushes and we have a couple of water lilies in place. Around the edge we have transplanted agave, camomile daisies and four or five different creeping plants which we hope will soon cover all.
I have spent hours weeding the garden and reclaiming it from the wild

If only we could train them to turn over the rest of the terraces for us! Fraser is threatening to prepare some broad head arrows (we are both archers) and have a shot at them from our balcony!
We could always practice on our local shepherd´s flock that comes to graze on our upper terraces and strip of forest to keep the undergrowth clipped!!!

The left~hand half of barn has now been boarded out and insulated and on Wednesday the tiles are being put up and the Vellux put in at last! The gallery will go in next and then the final windows will be put in on that side. I can´t wait!

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