December already! And the Christmas tree is up.
It's been a busy year all told. Looking forward to more fund and adventure in 2015.
But as for December...
We spent 5 days on the Isle of Wight looking for properties. Stayed with cousin Debbie and her husband Dave who were wonderful hosts and incredibly helpful. Lots of advice and support and enthusiasm for our venture.
It was an interesting experience and we managed to view 19 properties in all. Many were simply not up for consideration but a few had a lot to offer. However there was always something missing or not quite enough for us to jump to making an offer.
We do know though, that this is where we would like to be and we did around 150 miles so feel we pretty much covered the area we would consider living in.
So now we are getting more properties lined up for our trip in January and hopeful that we will find something then.
In the meantime we spent some real quality time with friends and Family.
Fraser was back before me and managed to see friends in Bath and Swindon, before meeting up with me in London.
We spent three days in London over the two weekends and did lots of festive things with Rich, Jo and Lexa. We set up their advent calendars ready for 1st December.
Saw the Paddington Movie which I would recommend to was great fun. Bought and decorated their Christmas tree and paid a visit to Santa. I guess we haven't been good enough because he didn't have a present for us.

We watched Lexa in one of the two Christmas plays that she is in. She goes to a Stagecoach club and they did a great performance where she was an elf and had 4 lines to say too. It was wonderful.
The Christmas Raffle for the dog sanctuary raised 1,350 euros and our Christmas Quiz fun day here collected 13 bags of dog food too. Plus everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.
So we are all very happy about that.
Much to do in the next few months but in the meantime we are having a break now until the new year when we travel back on 9th Jan to view more properties.
We hope all of us will have a Happy and Healthy 2015. Take care of yourselves and live each day as if it is your last.