Have to say that the Mimosa there were growing like weeds and so thick that you couldn't walk through them on the terraces. There is very little sense of "cut with care and clear the debris" here. We are hoping that they will actually come back and clear the brash eventually.

While I was in the UK the ruin at the back of our propery line was actually cleared and cut by neighbours although, again, cutting is one thing but collection of the cuttings is another. There is a 5 week time limit in Portugal apparently and then it can be reported...not sure what good that would do actually.
But on a cheerier note... we have our own olive oil this year thanks to Matt and Nita picking and taking the olives to the press last month. A first for us
So having left London and Lexa .......in festive mood
We got festive at home... Christmas the tree and lights are up and now it is Christmas!

Christmas Eve lunch was shared at ours with friends and neighbours and after a neighbourly tipple on the day ..we opened our prezzies and Santa had been very good to Fraser....bringing him (via Rich and Jo) a really fun toy! And very good to us both. Thanks to everyone for their gifts
Scraps and Bugsy of course have taken it all in their strides.
So from us all here in sunny but cold Portugal to everyone that we know and or love... we wish you the very best of new years and hope that 2012 will be a happy, healthy and hopeful year for you all.