February has been a rather quiet month on the Quinta. Sylvi spent most of the month in England, particularly London. For me most of the month was spent getting my left foot working again - almost there now - and keeping myself and dogs warm and fed! Steve and Vanessa came over just before Sylvi got back and we felled and logged the big diseased pine and a few surplus small ones up in our bit of the woods.

This will get our next years wood supply started.
Sylvi returned on the 22nd, and Spring came in hard on her heels. The sun is out...

Stuff is growing big time. We have tidied the pond, which was looking seriously weedy so we gave it a border haircut and cleared the drainage point into the run off ditch.

The water is really clear now and the fish are good and fat.

Sold some of the plants and turned more into green fertiliser for mulching the fruit trees and adding to the veg patch, which needs rotavating now.

Steve and Ness came over with their new foundling pooch which is a feisty little terrier-something cross.

A really nice little dog who shrugs off Scrappy's suspicions about her intentions re Bugs. Bugs thinks she's wonderful which may have something to do with her coming into season! When they left he sat down and howled mournfully and had to have a head scrobble to make him feel better - what a romantic

In London Sylvi spent time seeing family and friends and as much time as she could with Lexa...teaching her to read!

Helping with feeds as she is on solids now..

And just marveling at how gorgeous she is and how much of a lovely sunny character she is growing into.

Missing her already!
Sylvi also came back kitted out with techno freebies from Richard and James. So we are now the proud owners of a high definition web-cam (all the better to be seen on skype with), an I-Touch full of music and a docking unit (with all kinds of gizmos to play with) which is now set up in the kitchen and even a set of folding headphones (all the better to hear it with whilst travelling!) So the Mays are now seriously technologically upgraded. Just have to spend time now trying to find out how it all works.
To complete the techno revolution we now have Satellite TV after months of trying to find the right location!
Not sure if this last one is a good or bad thing but it is great to be able to understand ALL of what is crap on TV for a change.