Well, here at the tail end of September it's finally cooling down a bit and I suppose it won't be long before we're moaning about the cold! Right now what we really need is rain. We're losing our new trees at a prodigious rate which is rather discouraging. The lake is down to winter levels and there's no rain in sight either. However the morning mists have returned making the valley really quite mystical again.

Due to the lake being so low, I took the dogs for a walk along the shore, something which isn't usually possible. Along with the usual dead fish etc., we also found the bleached white skeletal remains of a dog. In life it would have been a little taller than Bugsy, I think. Bugsy I might add was all for chewing the bones. I managed to convince him that it would be a little off to chomp the remains of a relative however distant.
The builders have finally been and rebuilt our chimney, damaged in a brief chimney fire some months ago. I guess it's going to be down to me to get up there and paint it as they aren't, it seems. Joy.

James was here for 10days and helped us out a great deal. We took a few trips out..
Costa Nova
Bouçaco Forest Walk....and attended a couple of great parties, thanks to Seanna and Harry and Kate and Phil..... but mostly spent our time working. I have decided to swap the noise and ferocity of the strimmer for a scythe. It is altogether a much more pleasant way to keep down the weeds and grasses and strangely satisfying to be using a pre-techno technology!

Before James left we got stuck in to building Sylvi's water feature in the back yard.

It holds water - Crispin came over with some swimming pool sealant...He builds swimming pools. It now awaits Sylvi's input for how all the rocks and water pump are going to go in and fit together...I see an aching back coming up.
I've kept busy while on my own and painted the walls out the back under the shadery, which got put up before Sylvi and James left.

Note the cool cane wall section. We had to process a lot of cane for that! But amazingly it only took a few hours to put the cane up with three of us working at it.
Sylvi has been in London helping out with the new baby and gets back on Tuesday so I'll let her fill you all in on baby related news...
Sylv here... I spent three busy and wonderful weeks in London, getting mega cuddles and time with Lexa, helping out Richard and Jo at home with all sorts, whatever was needed and even managed some time to see James, taking walks along the canal to Little Venice, Regents Park visiting the market in Portabello road, and spend a night with my sister (pie and mash rules)

Mum and Dad and Lexa 3 days old
Me with Lexa 12 days oldIt was a real experience and privilege to watch Lexa grow and change over that time. It really is a miracle how babies develop so quickly. By the time I left she was beginning to want to hold up her head and focusing her eyes.
Lexa 4 weeks oldAmazing!!!! I miss her so much already but I have been promised lots of updates of photos and videos. Can't wait!!!